About PlayFountain

PlayFountain is innovation devised by Wim Hoeks. Wim also founded a company named Ice-World. Now ice and water are offered to entertain crowds of all ages.

How PlayFountain was born

During a visit with his wife to an art fair they were relaxing on a terrace enjoying the sun. Next to the terrace there was a regular water fountain and because of the warm weather children were playing and cooling down in the water while their parents were having a refreshing drink.

Wim was watching this water spectacle and saw that there were electricity cables from the light on the surface of the fountain and that the water was dirty. A very unsafe way of cooling down, but it triggered his creative mind. The first spark of wat later became a highly entertaining and interactive water attraction was lit.


A water and an ice World

In the past Wim already invented a patented aluminum system that is used to make ice rinks and founded a company named Ice-World. Ice-World is the worldwide leader when it comes to portable ice-skating rinks. Since 1992, our temporary, semi-permanent and permanent ice surfaces have brought frozen fun and enjoyment to millions each year.

With head office, warehouse and production in the Netherlands, sales offices in Germany and China, and an international network of dealers and partners, Ice-World is your trusted one-shop-stop business partner.

Now PlayFountain is part of this family. For 7 years our own R&D department designed PlayFountain and developed is as a multifunctional, interactive, easy to operate and safe water attraction, ready to entertain crowds of all ages. As of now we provide all season experiences with frozen and liquid water fun. Together we have everything to look for the best opportunities to make your ice or water event a reality.

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