Become a PlayFountain rental partner or agent

Are you looking for something new, something special, something exciting? We are seeking to expand our rental partner & agent network worldwide.

Get in touch

Partner with PlayFountain

The last years we were focused on creating the safest, interactive and most entertaining water attraction in the world. Now we are ready to concur the world. PlayFountain is look for a long-term business relationship and therefore wishes to work with agents or rental partners who are prepared to commit to our newest innovation. Partners that want to invest time, energy and money in promoting PlayFountain and search for new opportunities for this brand-new water attraction.

If you are interested in becoming a PlayFountain Partner, please email so we can schedule a meeting.

Sales Offices


PlayFountain International BV

Weteringpad 7
3762 EN Soest
The Netherlands


Sales office Europe

Weteringpad 7
3762 EN Soest
The Netherlands

Jakob Ebbens


Sales office Middle East

Mohamad Adhami
+971 (0)505 065 583




Ice-World GmbH
Yorckstraße 22
93049 Regensburg
+49 941 7883300

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