Visit Playfountain at DEAL 2022

Looking for a unique crowd-puller? Meet our newest innovation: The PlayFountain. An exciting water attraction with games and shows that invite children to play while entertaining crowds of all ages. Your audience is waiting for the one-of-a-kind PlayFountain experience!

Our team can tell you all about it during the DEAL Show at the Dubai World Trade Centre.

DEAL 2022 in Dubai

Our team is attending DEAL 2022 to show our latest innovation: The PlayFountain. If you want to speak to us during the exhibition (Stand 8-E28), just fill in the form below and we will contact you for an appointment. We are happy to meet you at DEAL.

For more information about The PlayFountain you can download our brochure to get a first glimpse of this brand new water attraction.

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Contact our locally based representative

Are you as excited as we are for the event and want to know more about it? Contact Martijn

Martijn Reef

Regional Sales Director Middle East

+971 (0)588 192 416

Download Brochure

Would you like more information about PlayFountain? Fill in the form below to receive our brochure.

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